SGM College Patan

Feedback from Student About Teacher

Dear Student,

Please write the name of all teachers and evaluate by giving marks on the following attributes as per marking scheme shown below.

Sr. No Parameters Very Good
( 4 )
( 3 )
( 2 )
( 1 )
1 Knowledge base of the teacher (as perceived by you)
2 Skill in making the subject interesting / Communication Skill (in terms of articulation & comprehensibility )
3 Sincerity / Commitment / punctuality of the teacher
4 Ability to integrate course material with environment / other issues , to provides a broader perspective, promote self-thinking
5 Accessibility of the teacher in and out of the class ( includes availability of the teacher to motivate further study and discussion outside class ) Student friendliness
6 Teacher’s involvement in other activates such as co-curricular , extension, sports, social, cultural activates
7 Use of teaching aids and ICT in teaching
8 Readiness to arrange & assess the test / assignment / seminar and project students understanding of the course
9 Ability to motivates the students ( for extra reading , problem solving , project work)
10 Overall Rating
11 Total Score:
12 Please write your suggestions: