SGM College Patan

- Welcome to Department of Philosophy -


One of the most important steps toward creating a successful program


To advance the study of Philosophy by conducting original philosophical research and by providing students with the philosophical education necessary for them to develop a firm foundation in the liberal arts as well as strong ethical, creative, and critical thinking skills.


-. Students will develop a crucial understanding of major traditions and contemporary ideas in the field of Philosophy.

Information of Department

Department History
Year of Establishment Programmes
Faculty Profile

Dr.Bhongale Swati Bapurao
HOD & Assistant Professor

  • Qualification:  M.A, M.Phil,Net, PH.D
  • Experience :    UG: 4 years


Courses Offered
Sr. No. After studying the course the student will be able to
1 To make students familiar with the field of Introduction philosophy and acquaint Basic concepts.
2 To acquaint the students with knowledge Processes ,Perception, and Learning with Scientific Method.
3 To acquaint the students with thinking Processes with Critical, analytical & Descriptive in Contemporary Philosophy.
4 To acquaint the students with the nature and significance Philosophy of Saints.
5 To highlight importance of Contemporary philosophical processes in the Experience of Indian and Western Culture.

Certificate Course
Sr. No. Class Duration Course Name
1 BA III 3 Month Logical Reasoning
Academic Calendar- 2023-24
Sr.No Activity Date/ Month Period of Activity
1 Student Welcome Program July 17/7/2023
2 Department Meeting August   2/8/2023
3 BOS Sub committee Meeting Unit test/ Internal  work September   11/9/2023   20/9/2023 to 27/9/2023
4 BOS Committee  October 9/10/2023
5 World Philosophy day celebration Semester End November 25/11/2023  
6 Sem. end Exam  December December 2023
7 Lead college Activity January 11/1/2024
8 Field visit ( Trip)  February 10/2/2024
9 Unit test March 13/3/2024 to 21/3/2024
10 Internal Work April 19/4/2024 to 30/4/2024

Departmental Research

Papers published in Peer Reviewed Journals

Sr. No Name of Faculty Title of Research Paper Journal
1 Dr. Bhongale Swati Bapurao संत बहेणाबाई संतांचे तत्वज्ञान ,अथर्व पब्लिकेशन ISBN 978-93-94269-19-4 प्रथमावृत्ती जून २०२० पान नं. १०६
2   Dr. Bhongale Swati Bapurao तर्कतीर्थ लक्ष्मणशास्त्री जोशी यांचे धर्मचिंतन आधुनिक महाराष्ट्रातील धर्मचिंतन : विसावे शतक परामर्श विशेषांक ,खंड ४३ अंक -१-४ ,पान नं. ३१३ एप्रिल- २०२३ तत्वज्ञान विभाग सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विद्यापीठ प्रकाशन
3 Dr. Vaishali Kupindar Bansode Chaturyam Dharma : Dharmanand Kosambi Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Maharashtra Tattvadnyan Parishad and Adarsh college, Badalapur.

Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Seminars Organized by Department

Sr.No Name of activity Activity Mode Date Beneficiary number Details
1 Lead College Activity Logic for Competitive Examination  Offline 14/2/2022 75 -------
Department Contact Details
# Name of the facility # Number
Prof. --- 9623947320
Dept. Mail Id - [email protected]
Department Photos